Unlock Ultimate Torque with An-Lock Drive Tools

Unlock Ultimate Torque with An-Lock Drive Tools

® An-Lock drive are created to be ultra-torque.

An-Lock has only one thing on its mind: helping you get the job done with ease, safety, and quality. With its many smart features such as reversing levers, stronger grips, and deep-reaching heads, it can get to those difficult places or those hard-to-reach nuts or bolts with incredible precision.

超扭矩巧勁套筒依套筒規格及尺寸做特殊冷鍛或熱鍛坯件,具有高質量結構,高科技熱處理使鉄材質均勻分布生成麻田散鉄組織,使強化套筒強度與韌性。表面雙色電鍍鉻處理呈現高質量外型。 HANS Tools “An-Lo” An-Lock drive socket wrench for superb torque is made by special cold-forging or heat-forging according to each size and specification. Material steel for socket wrench spreads and organizes with “Martensite” enhance the strength of socket wrench by High-tech heat treatment process. Fine surface with twin-colors finished made by chrome plated process.

  1. 從高質量鉻釩圆鋼裁切大小適合的坯件。 Steel Rod and Ground to size: raw material with precise cutting from Chrome-Vanadium 50BV30.
  2. 針對其規格與尺寸的公差下鍛壓六角孔、四角孔與車銷準確的導角。 Forging press and chamfering: cold-forging or hot-forging press out with hexagon and square precisely.
  3. 根據其規格、尺寸、外徑及長度上做初步的機械加工。 Mechanical process: such as Knurled worked, drilled and milled.
  4. 依照國際及國內標準專注其規格、尺寸、外徑及長度上做精密的機械加工及粗磨,並利用金屬滾印商標及尺寸。 DIN-ISO standardizing: according to DIN-ISO standard outfit sizes, diameter, length and brand marked.
  5. 高科技熱處理硬化程序,並進行特殊淬火封關。 Hardening and exclusive tempering in terminal process by High-tech heat treatment.
  6. 高層次震動研磨。 Ultra-smoothed.
  7. 高層次震動後表面塗層噴砂處理。 High-level evaporation on surface with sand blasting.
  8. 精緻研磨外觀程序。 Fine smooth on Surface plated.
  9. 套筒表面霧面及拋光雙色電鍍處理,電鍍鉻可以改善產品外觀,使得套筒拋光效果達到最佳。 Fine surface with twin-colors finished made by chrome plated process.
  • 巧勁套筒鬼斧般鍛造工藝
    Extremely technical art of design in “An-Lo” An-Lock drive. 巧勁套筒 “An-Lo” An-Lock Socket wrench 鬼斧般的鍛造工藝搭配巧勁的結構設計,扭矩力量在套筒內傳遞方向明確,延長套筒壽命及耐用性。
    The power deliver to whole structure of socket wrench and clearly ,strength is a evolution long life with efficiency. Streamline body made weight and power in core position without runout, power deliver efficiency.
  • 巧勁套筒材質高倍數金像圖 經過高科技熱處理及淬火封關後高倍數金像圖。自然界中應證,材質纖維紋理如細針狀、麻葉般縱橫交錯、細密如麻的麻田散鉄組織,最不易被彎曲折斷。組織均勻分布於材質中,強化套筒強度與韌性。 鉻釩鋼:Cr-V 鉻釩鋼是加入鉻(Cr),釩(V)合金元素的合金工具鋼,其強度和韌性的綜合能力優於碳鋼,適合作為優質工具的理想材料。
    Durable Chr V. with Martensite in microscopy: Material steel for socket wrench spreads and organizes with “Martensite” enhance the strength of socket wrench by High-tech heat treatment process. Martensite, named after the German metallurgist Adolf Martens (1850–1914), most commonly refers to a very hard form of steel crystalline structure, when viewed in cross section, the lenticular (lens-shaped) crystal grains may be incorrectly described as acicular (needle-shaped). (Information from wikipedia.org) Chr V.: Chromium Vanadium. 扭矩標準:

    1. According International standard ISO1711-1, 2016 version Assembly tools for screws and nuts – technical specification – Part 1: Hand operated wrenches and sockets.
    2. Torque performance of Hans tool socket wrench intensity over average standard 120%.
    3. Torque performance of Hans tool impact socket wrench over standard 150%. 

    巧勁風動套筒使用高質量鉻鉬鋼,高科技熱處理及淬火封關過程,扭矩強度表現高於標準150%。 鉻鉬鋼:Cr-Mo 鉻鉬鋼是加入鉻(Cr)、鉬(Mo)及鐵(Fe、)碳(C)的合金,其耐衝擊性能優秀,其強度和韌性優秀,綜合性能優於鉻釩鋼。
    Superb Torque “An-Lo”An-Lock drive Impact socket wrench are made by high quality and durable

  • Cr-Mo, test torsion torque over standard 150% by hardening and exclusive tempering in terminal process. Cr-Mo: Chromium-Molybdenum which better than
  • Cr-V.

    巧勁套筒Hans tool “An-Lo”An-Lock drive profile 是利用頂尖耐用鉻釩鋼或鉻鉬鋼材質,並且配合套筒巧妙省力的結構設計,透過強而安全的扭矩傳遞,達到借力使力的省力巧勁效果。 突破一般套筒的結構不良、質量不良、扭矩不足的缺點,降低因套筒不良而對螺母頭產生的切口效應,減少及保護螺母頭免受損壞、變形或磨損螺母頭的拐角,如果使用風動套筒其成果更明顯。甚至是已損壞螺絲、螺帽仍然可以靠此特殊結構巧妙、安全及有效地轉動。
    Hans tool “An-Lo” An-Lock drive profile: is designed in structure of socket wrench and wrenches, by “a clearly locking in position system” for Hans tool socket wrench and wrenches without edges or points. Not only features of An-Lock drive socket wrench and wrenches but also collocating with durable steel materials Cr.V. or Cr.mo. to make a powerful and complete transfer of torsion torque, put forth your strength by shifting direct force so as to strengthen the power of your own. It is smart power!!!

  • 特點
    1. 使用質量優良與扭矩足夠的套筒,轉動時能明確的定位轉動時的驅動位置。 (明確的定位轉動位置,非只依靠螺母頭的銳角,就算是公差外的螺絲、螺帽、螺栓也可以輕鬆轉動。) A clearly locking in position “An-Lock drive” with durable material socket wrench and wrenches is securing rotation with nut, screws and bolt in time. (A clearly locking in position “An-lock drive” without edges and points also for nut, screws and bolt over the tolerance.)
    2. 使用質量優良與扭矩足夠的套筒,依靠套筒材質特性借力使力,力量均勻分布,扭矩穩定傳遞,套筒與螺帽同步轉動順暢,輕鬆又省力。 (可以防止螺絲、螺帽、螺栓頭部打滑與損壞。) Not only features of An-Lock drive socket wrench and wrenches but also collocating with durable steel materials Cr.V. or Cr.mo. to make a powerful and complete transfer of torsion torque. Put forth your strength by shifting direct force so as to strengthen the power of your own. It is smart power!!! (Protecting nut, screws and bolt without damage from slippage.)
    3. 使用質量優良與扭矩足夠的套筒,力量平均分布在螺帽頭與套筒接觸面上,確實實踐100分的力量傳遞,120分的扭矩傳輸結果,省時又省力。 Superb Torque “An-Lo” An-Lock drive distributes stress evenly spreading socket and fastener face. Its designed completely enhances work with up to 120% feedback efficiency.

Tools for lifetime