1931U-9-Coax Crimping Tool for Non-Insulated Terminals

SKU 1931U-9 Categories , Tags ,

1931U-9- Coax Crimping Tool for Non-insulated Terminals

  • Pince à cosses non-isolées
  • Szczypce do kabli koncentrycznych nieizolowanych
  • Unisolierte Koaxialkabelzange
  • Alicate de cables coaxiales no aislados
  • كماشة الكابلات المحورية غير المعزولة
  • คีมสายโคแอกเซียลไม่หุ้มฉนวน
  • 非絕緣端子壓線鉗
  • Heavy Duty Type, Cr-Mo. dies
  • Pliers and their Uses- (A-E)
  • Handle Introduction- (Plier, Torque Wrench/ Wrench)


  • Coax crimping tool is a device used to crimp together two pieces of coaxial wire.
  • Basically, it cuts through the rubber surrounding the wire and then shaped the end of the wire into a loop. It is an easy and efficient way to connect two wires together, and they are very common.
  • Crimping tools like these are mainly divided into handheld or manually operated ones.
  • The manual ones are easy to use and normally only used for crimping smaller items together.
  • Non-insulated terminals are one piece only and have no protective sleeve. Non-insulated terminals are used when there is no danger of someone short circuiting the connection through inadvertent touching since they are often used in low voltage situations.
porduct sizeicon1
24R0M-Surface Hand Socket (Manual)- 1/4" Drive
91.5~10 mm2
AWG 26-8